
Homemade Coconut Yogurt

Why does vegan yogurt have to be so darn expensive??? I swear, I love brands like So Delicious and Silk, but they can be so pricy. And full of additives too - sometimes I really want yogurt without a billion starches and gums and carageenan, especially since some of the ingredients can be so irritating to my stomach. Sort of cancels out all the benefits of healthy gut bacteria, if you ask me.


Easy Chana Masala

I love Indian food so much! However, it can sometimes be hard to find a restaurant that can make vegan dishes, and when they do, it can be kind of pricey. I threw together a few ingredients that I already had lying around my kitchen and I think it tastes way better than dining out! 


Easy Almond Granola

I've really been missing some granola in my life. I love Nature's Path granola (especially cinnamon raisin!) but haven't been able to find it around here. So I decided to make my own!


Almond Joy Larabars

I had two giant tubs of dates in my apartment, and even though they're great to eat by themselves (or with tahini or peanut butter!) I wanted to make something brand new with them. So I created my own larabar flavor - almond joy!


Vegan Raspberry Pop-tarts (Gluten Free)

I have loved pop-tarts ever since I was a little kid. Every single morning (almost) I would unwrap one of those wonderful silver pouches and feast on the crumbly pastry goodness inside. It has been years since I've had a pop-tart, so I decided to make a gluten-free and vegan recipe that would taste just as delicious.


Peanut Butter Black Bean Brownies (GF + Vegan)

Peanut butter is probably my favorite thing in the world. If you put a jar in front of me and left me alone with that jar, it would be gone by the time you got back. Since peanut butter and chocolate is one of my favorite combinations, this recipe is one of my new favorites.


Banana Chocolate Buckwheat Muffins (GF + Vegan)

I am a huge fan of buckwheat. Not only is it gluten free, but it's packed with protein and fiber (and it's downright delicious). I made a few tweaks in my favorite buckwheat bread recipe from Superfood Siobhan to bring you these delicious muffins!


Apricot Crisp (GF + Vegan)

Since I am now going to school in Utah, I'm having fun discovering what kind of produce is in season right now, and I've fallen in love with apricots! I have a friend who let us pick some apricots from the tree in her yard, and I wanted to experiment with a delicious dessert idea that we are all familiar with. 


Tahini Banana Oatmeal Raisin Cookies (GF + Vegan)

Tahini is one of my favorite nut butters! (Well, technically it's a seed butter, but I digress). I especially love tahini in salad dressings, with bananas, inside of dates, and most of all in oatmeal. I thought I would make a tahini cookie recipe using some ingredients I had lying around my apartment, and this was a win. If you don't like tahini, not to worry! These cookies take out the bitterness and bring out all the sesame goodness.


Double Chocolate Cake (Gluten Free, Vegan)

If you're looking for a classic, easy, can't-go-wrong chocolate cake that is sure to be a hit with everyone, this is the recipe for you.

Vegan Mac and Cheese

I've done it. I've achieved vegan junk food nirvana. I give you... Vegan Macaroni and Cheese.


Soft-Baked Peanut Butter Cookies

I'm not sure what's better - the cookie dough or the baked cookies! The best part about vegan baking is being able to eat the dough, so knock yourself out ;)